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A Beginner’s Guide to Esports Betting

Esports gaming is a fusion of skill, strategy, and digital skills. As competitive video gaming continues to soar, so does the thrill of betting on these virtual battlegrounds. If you’re new to the world of esports betting, there is no need to worry! We will give you a beginner’s guide to eSports betting, and we will walk you through the basics you need to know to bet on eSports.

Understanding eSports Betting

A Beginner's Guide to Esports BettingeSports betting is very similar to traditional sports betting. The difference is, you are betting on outcomes of games, not by actual sports events. eSports covers a wide range of games. One of the easiest to venture in if you are coming from sports betting is sports games like madden. Soccer and football as well as basketball are extremely popular in eSports gaming.

Then, another profitable part of eSports betting is to bet on combat games- this is where you can bet on outcomes of tournaments from games like Counter Strike, Valorant, and other popular online games.

Bets in eSports Betting

When you open an eSports betting site with a pay per head software, you will see that the betting options are pretty similar- such as moneyline bets and so on. Here are the bets and the terms used in eSports betting:

  • Match Winner. This bet is similar to the moneyline bet where you bet on the team that will win a specific match or game.
  • Handicap Betting. This is similar to the spread where you adjust the odds for a team to cover a spread for you to win a bet.
  • Totals. Like with traditional sports betting, you bet on the total score or rounds played.
  • Outright Betting. This is a bet you place on the winner of the entire tournament.

A Beginner’s Guide to Esports Betting: Basic Tips

  1. Manage Your Bankroll. Like with traditional sports betting, know your limits and stick to it. It helps to set a specific percentage or amount so that you can control your betting, and make wiser decisions.
  2. Know Game-Specific Knowledge. Different esports games have unique maps or game modes. Learn the nuances and the formats of each game. As mentioned earlier, this will be easy with sports-based eSports games. For other games, you can always go on Youtube and look for game streamers who will explain what the games are about.
  3. Set Your Goals. Some people bet on eSports for the fun of it. But if you want to earn a steady income from this industry, you need to be strategic with your betting. Or, you can always sign up with this PPH service and open your very own online sportsbook and gambling site.


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