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Football Betting Strategies

When looking for where to bet on sports, you have a lot of options. One of the popular options is to head over to a casino and look for the sports betting floor. But others either have no time, are far from a casino, or don’t want to go to cigarette-infused casinos. This is where a bookie pay per head can help. Anyone who has the skills and time can become a bookie, and you can bet with them. Especially with football betting.

Football, American Football specifically, is one of the most popular betting options. In fact, one could easily argue that it’s the top sport to bet on in the USA. And when betting on American football, a few things come to mind.

Football Betting Strategies

football tutorialThe first rule to successful betting, is to make informed and smart wagers. Don’t bet on a team just because they are your home state, or because you love the team or their players. You can make smarter decisions, such as looking at the venue of the game. Home-field advantage still matters, and holds sway in oddsmaking, so keep an eye out for this. Avoid betting on teams that don’t travel well.

Also try to look at the individual matchups in the game itself. Strategies, player skills and more can benefit one team, but be a challenge when playing against another team. Similarly, trends are there to give valuable information you can use, but look at the reasons behind the numbers as well. For instance, scoring could be bad for a team, but only because of a missing player who will be returning to the field. This means scoring could improve.

This brings us to the next tip. Check the injured list. A quarterback who will be out a few games can single-handedly affect the outcome of these games. Another tip to keep an eye on, are divisional matchups. When teams play against each other multiple times, strategies can be changed and results could vary.

And as for the lines, check them throughout the week, or check regularly for futures bets. Odds can change without notice, and some may be favorable for you. Make sure that you consider the value of the wagers well. Lastly, consider the different types of wagers you can make. If you are a moneyline bettor, perhaps a totals wager could excite you. Maybe a parlay could also be a nice addition to your wagers. Don’t be afraid to diversify. A good bookie pay per head demo can show you your options.