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Casper Rudd Wins Geneva Open

Casper Rudd was working and playing hard to win back-to-back matches as he claims his third Geneva Open title in the last four years. Rudd was a favorite to win the tournament, given his achievements in the last few years.

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Rudd won the final match against Tomac Machac 7-5, 6-3. Machac himself came from a very tiring match against Novak Djokovic in the previous day. Rudd’s final game was played just around three hours after his semifinal against Flavio Cobolli.

Casper Rudd Wins Geneva OpenCasper Rudd Wins Geneva Open

Rudd is seven-ranked, and was able to fight through the tournament to get to the finals. Tennis players in the Geneva Open were playing in a tough schedule, with only a few hours in between matches. Some of the schedules were adjusted as games were postponed due to the weather.

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What’s Next for Casper Rudd?

Casper Rudd will now head to Paris for the French Open. Rudd has been unsuccessful in his bid to win the title in the last two years. He was beat by fellow tennis superstars like Rafael Nadal and Djokovic. Other tennis stars will be heading to Roland Garros to play for the prestigious title.

Notably, Novak Djokovic will be entering the French Open with no wins so far this year. Given the high profile event, you will be getting a lot of wagers on the upcoming event that begins Sunday. If you are still looking for a sports betting software to use, check out these sportsbook pay per head reviews. The highly rates providers can give you the best tools to become a bookie with minimal technical training and at affordable rates as well.


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