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How To Play Blackjack

One of the ways you can increase your income as a bookie is to use a casino pay per head. With the number of casino games such as poker, baccarat, blackjack, and even slot machines, your players will be entertained for hours. For anyone who wants to learn how to play poker, as a player, or as someone who will run their own casino, its important to learn how to play blackjack.

At its simplest level, the goal of blackjack is to beat the dealer. This is done by drawing a hand value that is higher than the hand value of the dealer. You can also win if the dealer draws a hand value that is over 21, or if you draw a hand value of 21 on your first two cards, while your dealer does not. Of course, you lose if the dealer has a hand value greater than yours at the end of the round, or if your hand value is higher than 21.

How to Play Blackjack: the Basics

How To Play BlackjackBlackjack is played by a standard 52-card deck. In this game, suits do not matter. When looking at the cards’ value, 2 up to 10 will count as face value. Meanwhile, face cards such as J Q K will count as 10. The Ace, however, can be a bit confusing for beginners. This is because the Ace can count as either 1 or 11, which will depend on how it will help your hand the best.

When you open an online casino and familiarize yourself with the various table games, you will see that each game has its own layout, which of course affects the order of how each game or round is played. Depending on the rules, there can be a certain number of players per table, as well as the number of decks used. Usually we see 6 or 8 decks used in blackjack tables.

Play Blackjack: How to Play Your Hand

For every player who wants to enjoy blackjack, money has to be deposited first. You’ll be able to use this online to place your wagers as you pick a table to join. Before each round in blackjack, players will place a bet. Once everyone has placed a wager, the dealer will then deal the cards in a clockwise manner. Each player gets 2 cards each, face up. The Dealer will also have two cards with one card facing up, and the other facing down.

The first person on the left of the dealer will then play their hand. When you add the value of two of your cards, you can then decide what to do with your hand. Here are the five plays you can make:

  • Stand. You stand when your hand is acceptable to you already, and you are confident that you have the best possible hand.
  • Hit. This is when you want to get more value by getting more cards until you stand, or you go bust. Going bust is when your hand value goes over 21.
  • Double Down. This is where you can get an additional card and double your wager.
  • Split. This is a play that you can use when you get a pair of two cards of the same value, or two face cards. You can put out a second wager, then the dealer will split the cards and give two cards for each hand you now have.
  • Surrender. Lastly, you can surrender if you do not like your initial hand. If you do this, you get hand of your bet back.

Who Wins the Round?

How To Play BlackjackOnce all players in the table have finished with their respective hands, it will now be the dealer’s turn. The dealer has one open card, and will now flip over the hole card (face down card). If the hand’s value is 17 or higher, then it automatically stands. If the hand is 16 or lower, they will take additional hit cards. The dealer cannot double, split, or surrender. So, the value is 16 and below, they will hit until they bust, or the make a hand with a value from 17-21. If the dealer’s hand is higher than yours, then the dealer gets your bet. If you have the higher hand, however, you will get one times your wager. But if the value is the same, then you get a push, and you get to keep your money.

There are a lot of different strategies to playing blackjack, which we will cover at a later post. Its best if you try to learn the different casino games, as well as read bookie tutorials to learn about managing a sportsbook. These options will give you an advantage when wagering, and will also be important if you want to run your very own gambling site.