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StandardPerHead.com Pay Per Head Review

When looking at the Top 10 Sportsbook Pay Per Head list, you can easily see why they are considered the best in the industry. They are the gold standard when it comes to giving bookies the best sportsbook software. Today, we will make a StandardPerHead.com pay per head review and see if they can play with the best of the best. They are relatively new, having started in 2013. But there are quite a few new companies that we actually like, so we will see if they will be one of them.

StandardPerHead.com Pay Per Head Review – Registration


Oh boy. When we see new companies, we always assume that the UI of their site would be more seamless, with better efficiency. Most, if not all of the sportsbook pay per head providers we have on our list of the best, offer a great user experience. So far, Standard Pay Per Head is teaching us to never assume.

Maybe its an ode to the traditional? If so, its a pretty ugly one, as we actually had to submit our information, and then wait for someone to get in touch with us. It took us hours to get someone to finally give us access. We do appreciate them being honest about their promotion. They have a free two week demo and we took it- they never asked for our payment details.

Now that we are finally, in we took a proper look at their software, which promptly brought us back to the 2000’s. Their software is the most basic you can get- a very obvious DGS software that they did not even configure. Its comes across as them not bothering to even make it look like they worked hard on it.


Real free 2 week demo

Report Features


Long registration process

Too basic software

No added features like live casino



This is probably a perfect example of what to avoid when looking for a sportsbook pay per head to use. They are as basic as it can be. Which is quite insulting, as the best site we have come across actually offer their complete services for half that price. I’d go for other pay per head providers and stay clear of this one, at least until they realize how they could do so much better and actually act on it.

Bookie Pay Per Head Service