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Super Bowl Betting Tutorial

The Super Bowl LIV will be held on February 2, 2020, and will be the biggest sports betting event of the year. As early as now, bookies are using their pay per head sportsbook to take in wagers for the event. But what exactly happens, and how can we bet on the Super Bowl? Here’s our Super Bowl Betting Tutorial to help you out.

As you can see in your sports betting software, there are a lot of wagers you can place on the Super Bowl. Of course, the biggest bet is on who will win the Super Bowl. But there are more betting options for you to enjoy and win money on.

Super Bowl Betting

Super Bowl BettingThe most basic bet in football is the point spread. This is where your wager will win based on the certain number of points a team will win or lose on. Another option is the moneyline. This is where you bet on which team will win the game, regardless of the points spread.

Of course, you also have the totals bet. Here, you bet on the total number of points and see if its over or under the actual score of the game. If you are looking for tips on how to bet, the best option will be to look at the past history of the team when it comes to super bowl games. Next, would be to look at the stats for the games these two teams have played against each other. Especially in the current season. Their strategies, strengths and blind spots will tell you of their chances on scoring and winning.

Other Betting Options

If you are looking for other options, there are also exotics where you can place bets on the coin toss. You can also go wild and bet on how long the national anthem will be sung on the Super Bowl. There are also various in-game wagers, like if there will be a safety. Or if there will be a two-point conversion, or even prop bets. You may see options like of any team will get 4 or more sacks, or if a quarterback will throw more touchdowns that his rival quarterback.

Lastly, if you are wondering where to bet on the Super Bowl, a popular option for all is to go for your bookie’s online sportsbook. That way, you can see all of the wagers in just one sportsbook, and you can do it anywhere. You can be at a sports bar watching the game, or watch it live at the Hard Rock Stadium in Miami, or even just stay at home and order in. Watch the game from your couch and place a bet in your phone. Either way, enjoy the Super Bowl and win some money.