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How to Bet on eSports

Like every other form of online gambling, esports betting requires a positive mindset, knowledge, a bit of luck, a lot of patience, and an effective betting strategy. There are additional requirements, but these are the most basic ones you should have. Here is our guide on how to bet on eSports to help you win big.

When talking about betting on eSports games like CSGO, LoL, Dota 2, or similar, you need to know which is applicable to what game, and what wagers you can place. It helps to know about the history of eSports betting. Then, learn about the many games you can bet on, and the bets you can make. Today, let us look at the types of bets you can place in eSports betting.

How to Bet on eSports: What to Bet On

When you are betting on eSports games, there are a few bet types you can place. Of course, these will vary depending on the type of eSport game you are betting on. Remember that there are combat-based games, there are sports-based games, and everything in between. Your sportsbook will show the available odds per game, so it will not be confusing for you. But still, it helps to know each bet type you can possibly come across:

  • How to Bet on eSportseSports Specials or Prop Bets. eSports specials, often known as props, provide a variety of methods to bet on your favorite matchups. Instead of standard match-winner selections, these props provide a plethora of other alternatives based on various in-game events.
  • Total Maps or Over/Under Maps Bets. This is limited to only a few types of games where you guess if the map count is over or under the end result.
  • Most Kills Bets. This is a popular prop bet but we will mention it here since this is widely seen in most FPS and MOBAs and games like CS:Go.
  • Outright Bets. The outright bet is very similar to that of a moneyline bet. You just choose who will win the event. You can bet an outright bet on who will win a match, or who will win a tournament.
  • Bracket or Group Winner Bets. This is very similar to a futures bet where you bet on who will win the tournament.
  • Handicap Bets. These are your spread betting options like that of sports betting.
  • Accumulator Bets. These are also called combi-bets. This is similar to that of parlays in sports betting. So these bets are high-risk, high reward wagers.
  • Live Betting. If you can find live betting in your sportsbook, then you will likely find live betting options for eSports Betting. Here, you can place bets on simple match winners on games like LoL or Dota 2. The odds change really fast with eSports live betting, so make sure you are comfortable with eSports betting before you try out live betting.

Tips Before You Place That eSports Bet

How to Bet on eSportsIts pretty easy to bet on eSports. Just sign up with a sportsbook that offers eSports betting and view the odds available. However, there are a few things we would like to tell you about eSports betting that will hopefully help you to win more. Aside from these eSports betting strategies, always remember the three things to do before you even check the odds in yours sportsbook:

  1. Know the Game Well. It really helps to have a deep understanding of each game you play. Find out the dynamics and the process by which teams or players will progress through a tournament.
  2. Stick to a Budget. Just like with traditional sports betting, set a budget, and stick to it. If you notice a string of losses, do not try to chase it as you can lose more money. Be smart about eSports betting, and that includes self-control.
  3. Check the Latest Updates. Some eSports tournaments will have single players competing, but most are made up of teams. Check the latest news for the latest updates on the teams competing. While eSports betting sees less changes in rosters due to injuries, it is not uncommon to see players shuffle their rosters or switch teams in between tournaments.

We will go on to more complex eSports guides later on. For now, familiarize yourself with the most common wagers you can place and learn more about the various gaming titles available in your sportsbook. If you would like to earn even more, you can create your own sportsbook and offer eSports betting instead. These pay per head reviews will tell you if the providers offer eSports betting.


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