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The Oddest Things People Can Bet On Today

The Oddest Things People Can Bet On TodayBy now, you have read countless bookie tutorials to help you navigate your way in sports betting. But as you go along, you will be surprised at the kind of wagers you can offer to your players. And when we talk about unusual wagers, we are not just talking about prop bets during the Super Bowl. We are talking about non-sport related wagers, which are one of the oddest things people can bet on.

Most of the wagers you will see in bookie pay per head sportsbooks are seasonal in nature. For instance, its fall now, and winter will be arriving pretty soon. So, across the pond, its become popular to offer wagers on snow. Specifically, there are a lot of wagers if certain countries will be seeing snow on Christmas Day.

Oddest Things People Can Bet On

The wager is not exactly easy to make, since historically, snow tends to happen between January to March, although they do tend to have a white Christmas from time to time. Some wagers are a simple yes or no, like “Will it snow on Christmas Eve in Edinburgh?”. Some, however will be more like “Which country is most likely to have snow on Christmas Day”?

Aside from weather-related wagers, political bets are also popular. Now that betting on the US elections are over, the next wave of wagers are coming in. One of which is the wager on President-elect Joe Biden. He is the oldest president ever elected, so the wager is if you think Biden will complete his term.

Other Wagers

Of course, there are a lot more wagers that people can make, although these prop bets are usually dependent on the region you are in. For instance, since politics is still a big deal in the US right now, then you will most likely be seeing a lot of wagers on that until at least the inauguration next year. You can check out Sports Interaction as well for other current events that is relevant to sports and sports betting. This will help you stay in the know on what the betting market is after.


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